"The Parliament of India comprises of the President and two chambers, namely, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha."
The legislative authority of the Union of India is vested in the Parliament. The Parliament of India consists of the President and the two Houses, the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People). The President of India is an essential part of the Parliament.'
He not only summons and prorogues the two Houses but can also dissolve the Lok Sabha. Without his assent no Bill passed by the two Houses can become an Act. He has the right to address either House or both the Houses assembled together. He may send messages to either House regarding any bill pendingbefore it.
At the commencement of the first session of each year, the President addresses both the houses assembled together. The Presiden may issue an ordinance, when both Houses of Parliament are not in session and such ordinance must be proved by both houses within six weeks of their assembly.
Rajya Sabha
The total number of the Rajya Sabha , upper House of the Parliament should not exceed 250 and it consists of 12 members nominated by the President and 238 representatives from the States and the Union Territories. The representatives of each state are elected by the elected members of the Legislative Assembly of the State in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote.
Any citizen of India, who is not less than 30 years of age and who possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed by or under any law made by the Parliament can become a member of the Rajya Sabha. The tenure of every member of Rajya Sabha is six years but every second year one-third of its members retire and fresh elections are held for those seats The House is not subject to dissolution.
The Vice-President of India is the ex officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha. In his absence, the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, who is elected by the House performs his functions. One-tenth of the total number of members forms the quorum dam meeting of the House.
Lok Sabha
Lok Sabha is the Lower House of the Parliament. It consists of not more than 530 members elected directly by the people of the States. Seats are reserved for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in proportion to their population. The President of India can nominate not more than two members ofthe Anglo-Indian community, if it is not adequately the Lok Sabha.Each State is allotted a number of seats in proportion to its population. Each State is divided into territorial constituencies basing on the ratio between the population of each constituency and the number of seats allotted to it.
The members of Lok Sabha are elected on the basis of universal adult franchise. Anyone who is a citizen of India, and has attained 18 years of age and whose name is in the voters' list is entitled to cast vote in the
election to the Lok Sabha.
To get oneself elected to the Lok Sabha, one needs to be a citizen of India, be not less thapn 25 yearsp of age and possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed by or under any law made by the Parliament.
The tenure of the Lok Sabha is 5 years but the President is empowered to dissolve it earlier also. Under emergency under Article 352 the term of Lok Sabha can be extended by the Parliament, by law, for a period of one-year at a time.
The House elects its own presiding officer, called the Speaker, who conducts its business. In his absence from the House, Deputy Speaker, who is also elected by the House, performs his functions.
The Speaker presides over the meetings of Lok Sabha and conducts all its proceedings and he maintains order and discipline in the House. He decides whether a Bill is a money-bill or not; he presides over the joint sitting of both the Houses of Parliament. One-tenth of the total number of members forms the quorum of any meeting of the House.
This is superb, I really loved it... Sooo helpful for beginners like me😊thank you so much for this.. Keep it up!!