Fabricate - To invent, forge or desire falsely. Fact - Sonething that actually exists; an aspect of reality. Fact finding - Process of taking evidence to determine the truth about a disputed point. Fair - Impartial; just; equitable, disinterested. Fair-warning - The requirement that a criminal statute define an offence with enough precision. So that reasonable person can know what conduct is prohibited. Femicide - The killing of a Woman. Feticide - An act or instance of killing a fetus, by assaulting the mother. Fiat - A command. Fiduciary - A relationship based on trust or good faith. File - A court’s complete and official record of a case. Fine -Another form of money for penalty. FIR - First Information Report of grievance which is given to police. Floor - A legislature’s central meeting place where the members sit and conduct business. Forbearance - The act of refraining from enforcing a right, obligation or debt. Force - An act of physical interference with the pe...