1. Abacinate - To make a person blind.
  2. Abaction - Threatening to a person.
  3. Abactor - A person who steals a single beast only.
  4. Abadi - It is one of the forms of collecting land revenue.
  5. Abalienation - The transfer of an interest or title in property.
  6. Abandon - To leave, to give up, to surrender. 
  7. Abandonment - Voluntary relinquishment of an mterest or claim, the act of abandoning.
  8. Abarnare - To detect or disclose a secret crime; to bring to judgment.
  9. Abate - To reduce or put an end, quashing of writ or action.
  10. Abatement - Act of eliminating or nullifying.
  11. Abduction - Whoever by force compels or by any deceitful means includes any person to go from any place, is said to abduct that person. This is an offence committed against a person of any age.
  12. Abearance - Behaviour; conduct.
  13. Abessive - Denoting absence of a case.
  14. Abet - To aid to commit an offence.
  15. Abettor - One who encourages or aids the offender or commission of an offence.
  16. Abeyance - The condition of an inheritance which has no present owner or a state of suspension.
  17. Abhor - To protest against horror or attack .
  18. Abide - To act in accordance with rule of law. Abjudge - To take away or remove something by judicial decision.
  19. Abjure - To pronounce solemnly or on oath or to repudiate.
  20. Abolish - To put an end to.
  21. Abort - To miscarry in birth.
  22. Abortee - Woman who has an abortion.
  23. Abridge - To curtail the legal right.
  24. Abrogate - To repeal, cancel or annul an agreement.
  25. Absconder - One who runs away from legal process or avoids arrest.
  26. Absent - To keep away from process of court.
  27. Absist - Passing away of any legal right.
  28. Absolution -Release from punishment or guilt, acquittal.
  29. Absolve - To set free from liability.
  30. Abstain -To refrain from doing something.
  31. Abstract - A concise statement of text.
  32. Abuse - A departure from legal or reasonable use; misuse.
  33. Accede - To consent or agree.
  34. Acceptance - An agreement, either by express act or by implication from conduct, to the terms of an offer so that a binding contract is formed.
  35. Accession - Coming into possession of a right or office.
  36. Accessory -A person who is concerned in the crime but does not actually commit the crime.
  37. Accomplice - A person who is associated with another person in the commission of an offence.
  38. Accord - To furnish or grant or agree.
  39. Accredit - To furnish a diplomatic agent with papers, called credentials, which certify his public character.
  40. Accroach -To exercise power without authority.
  41. Accusalor - A complainant in a criminal prosecution.
  42. Accuse - To charge judicial or publicly with an offence.
  43. Accused -In a criminal trial, a person is called accused who is charged with the commission of crime.
  44. Accuser - A person who accused another of a crime.
  45. Acquiesce - To give implied consent to an settlement of any matter or issue.
  46. Acquittal -The process/order of discharge by the court, setting one free from suspicion or guilt of an offence.
  47. Acquitted - Judjcially discharged from an accusation.
  48. Act - Law made by the competent Legislature.
  49. Ad hoc - Formed for a particular purpose.
  50. Adjourn To defer the hearing of a case to another date in the Court.
  51. Adjournatur - Appears at the end of reported decision.
  52. Adjudge -To deem or pronounce to be.
  53. Adjudicate - To rule upon judicially.
  54. Adjudicative -Relating to adjudication.
  55. Adjudicator -A person whose job is to render binding decisions.
  56. Admissibility - Quality or state of being allowed to be entered into evidence in a hearing, trial or other proceedings.
  57. Admonition - A judicial reprimand to an accused, who is then discharged from further prosecution and punishment.
  58. Adultery - Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person other than the offender’s spouse.
  59. Advocacy - Work or profession of an advocate.
  60. Advocate - One who is qualified in law to plead in court of Law.
  61. Affiant - One who makes an affidavit.
  62. Affidavit - A written statement under an oath, Which is sworn to and signed by person making it, as true.
  63. Affinity - A close agreement.
  64. Affirm - To confirm on appeal, to solemnly declare rather than swear under oath.
  65. Affirmation - A solemn declaration without oath.
  66. Affirmative - That supports the existence of certain facts.
  67. Affray - Unlawful fighting or use of force to intimidate others.
  68. Agency - A fiduciary relationship created by express or implied contract or by law.
  69. Agent - A person employed to act on behalf of another, an act of an agent done within the scope of his authority, binds his principal.
  70. Agnates - Relatives whose relationship can be traced exclusively through males.
  71. Agreement - Every promise and every set of promises, either written or oral for the purpose of contract forming the consideration for each other.
  72. Alien - A person who resides within the borders of a country but is not a citizen or subject of that country.
  73. Alienation - The power of the owner or tenant to dispose of his interest in real or personal property.
  74. Alimony - A court ordered allowance that one spouse pays to the other spouse for maintenance and support while they are separated.
  75. Allocate - To deliver in court a formal address.
  76. Alms - Charitable donations, relief bestowed upon poor and destitute people.
  77. Ambiguity - An uncertainty of meaning or intention, as in a contractual term or statutory provision.
  78. Amendment - A formal revision or addition proposed or made to a statute, Constitution, or other instrument.
  79. Amnesty - A general pardon of the offences of subjects against the Government or the proclamation of such pardon.
  80. Ampliation - Postponement of the decision of Court.
  81. Annotation - A brief summary of the facts and deviation in a case especially which involves statutory interpretation.
  82. Announce - Annountement of judgment or decision in open court.
  83. Annulment - Judicial act of nullifying or making void.
  84. Anti-corruptton - A model government with corrupt free governance.
  85. Antimony -A contradiction in law or logic. 
  86. Appeal - Application to a higher court to examine against a case decided by a lower court.
  87. Appearance - A coming into court as a party or interested person, or as a lawyer on behalf of a party or an interested person.
  88. Appellant - One who makes an appeal.
  89. Apprehension - Seizure in the name of the law; arrest.
  90. Approver - An accomplice who turns prosecutor's Witness.
  91. Arbitration - Settling disputes by referring them to independent third party, as an alternative to the court proceedings.
  92. Arbitrator - A person appointed by parties to decide any difference between them.
  93. Argument - A statement that attempts to pursuade, the remarks of counsel in analyzing and pointing out or repudiating a desired inference.
  94. Army -A military force.
  95. Arrest - This is a deprivation of personal liberty of a person so that he becomes available during the trial of any offence to which he is involved.
  96. Arson - Crime of unlawfully damaging or destroying property by fire.
  97. Assault -Striking or attempting to strike another person.
  98. Assent - Agreement, approval or permission. 
  99. Assigenee - One to whom property rights or powers are transferred by another.
  100. Assignment - Transfer of rights or property. 
  101. Assize - A session of a court or council. 
  102. Assumption - A fact or statement taken for granted; a supposition.
  103. Attach - To take into custody of law, as in attachment of property.
  104. Attempt - Act or an instance of making an effort to accomplish something.
  105. Attestation - Witnessing the nature of a legal document.
  106. Attorney - One duly appointed or constituted to act for another in business or legal matters. A properly qualified legal agent who conducts litigation.
  107. Authority - A judicial decision cited as a statement of law (also called precedent).
  108. Autopsy - An examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death, especially in criminal investigation.
  109. Averment - An allegation in pleading; a positive declaration of fact or law. 


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