1. Bail - Releasing an arrested person after taking bond or sureties that he will regularly attend tbe court and face trial.
  2. Bailable - Eligible for bail.
  3. Bailee - A person who receives personal Property from another as a bailment.
  4. Bailiff - A court officer who maintains order during court proceedings.
  5. Bailment - When goods are left by one person with another to hold in accordance with instructions.
  6. Bailor - One who provides bail as a surety for a criminal defendant’s release.
  7. Bailout - A rescue of an entity from financial trouble.
  8. Ballot - A system of secret voting.
  9. Banco - A seat or Bench of Justice. 
  10. Bankruptcy - A person who is unable to pay his debts can be declared bankrupt by the Court. All his assets and liabilities are taken-over by the court for proper distribution to his creditors.
  11. Bar - It is a collective term used for lawyers as a body.
  12. Bargain - An agreement between parties for the exchange of promise or performance.
  13. Barratry - Vexacious incitement to litigation, especially by soliciting potential legal client.
  14. Barrister - In England, a lawyer who is admitted to plead at the Bar and who may argue case in superior courts.
  15. Battery - Crime of actual or intended use of physical force on a person.
  16. Bear - One who sells stocks or shares "short" i.e., without possessing what he sells, but intending to buy in later when the price has fallen and make a profit of the difference.
  17. Below - In a lower court.
  18. Bench - Another name for Judge(s) sitting in the Court or the Court considered in its official capacity, Judges collectively.
  19. Beneficiary - A person who receives something under a Will, or whose benefit a property is held in trust.
  20. Bequeath - To dispose of personal property by Will.
  21. Bequest - Act of giving personal property by will.
  22. Bestiality - It is an act of having intercourse with an animal. It is prohibited and punishable.
  23. Bias - Inclination; prejudice.
  24. Bicameral - Having two legislative houses.
  25. Bigamy - Marriage with one person while still legally married to another. In other words entering into second marriage in the life time of opposite spouse. It is an offence punishable for seven years in prison.
  26. Bill - It is a legislative proposal introduced in either House of Parliament.
  27. Bind - To impose one or more legal duties on a person or institution.
  28. Blackmail - A threatening demand made without justification.
  29. Blame - An act of attributing fault.
  30. Blasphemy - It consists in reviling God or want only attacking religion and religious tenets, for the purpose of exposing the doctrines to contempt and ridicule.
  31. Blood - The relationship arising by descent from a common ancestor.
  32. Bana-fide - Made in good faith; without fraud or deceit.
  33. Bond - A legal instrument by which a person undertakes to do or not to do something. Bootlegging - Illegal manufacture or sale of liquor, records, and the like to evade licensing, copyright laws etc.
  34. Borstal - A reformatory where young offenders are kept.
  35. Bottomry - A contract by which a shipowner pledges the ship as security for a loan to finance a voyage.
  36. Bound - A limitation or restriction on action. Boycott - An action designed to achieve the social or economic isolation of an adversary. Breach - An act of breaking the law, agreement, etc.
  37. Break - To violate or disobey the law.
  38. Breaking - Act of entering a building without permission.
  39. Bribe - A price, reward, gift, or favour bestowed or promised with a view to pervert the judgment.
  40. Brief - An abbreviated statement of the pleading, proofs and affidavits in any legal proceeding, with a concise narrative of the facts and merits of the Plaintiff’s case, or the defendant’s defence, for the instruction of counsel at the trial or hearing; or it is statement of a client’s case, presented by a lawyer before the court of law.
  41. Broker - A mercantile agent for the purchase and sale of goods, stocks and shares, policies of insurance, etc.
  42. Buggery - Act consisting of having intercourse per anus. It is prohinited by law, as an unnatural offence.
  43. Bull - One who buys stocks or shares not intending to take delivery but to resell at a higher price.
  44. Bullpen - An area in a prison where inmates are kept in close confinement.
  45. Burglary - Crime of entering a buildihg without permission of the owner, with the intention of stealing.
  46. Bye-laws - Regulations made by the local authority or corporation or company or society for its members for their day to day operation. They are provided in their principal Acts.
  47. Bye-law - A law made by the members of local community. 


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