1. Fabricate - To invent, forge or desire falsely. 
  2. Fact - Sonething that actually exists; an aspect of reality.
  3. Fact finding - Process of taking evidence to determine the truth about a disputed point.
  4. Fair - Impartial; just; equitable, disinterested.
  5. Fair-warning - The requirement that a criminal statute define an offence with enough precision. So that reasonable person can know what conduct is prohibited.
  6. Femicide - The killing of a Woman.
  7. Feticide - An act or instance of killing a fetus, by assaulting the mother.
  8. Fiat - A command.
  9. Fiduciary - A relationship based on trust or good faith.
  10. File - A court’s complete and official record of a case.
  11. Fine -Another form of money for penalty.
  12. FIR - First Information Report of grievance which is given to police.
  13. Floor - A legislature’s central meeting place where the members sit and conduct business.
  14. Forbearance - The act of refraining from enforcing a right, obligation or debt.
  15. Force - An act of physical interference with the person or property of another.
  16. Foreclosure - Ordinarily, when the land is mortgaged, the mortgagor retains the right to redeem his land after payment of the sum which he has borrowed. This is called equity of redemption. Foreclosure means that the mortgagor has been unable to pay the money. in such circumstances, the mortgagee gets a right to foreclose the mortgage, and sell the mortgaged property in satisfaction of the debt.
  17. Any balance goes to the mortgagor.
  18. Forfeiture - It is the divestiture of specific property Without compensation in consequence of some default or act forbidden by law.
  19. Forgery - An act of fraudulently making a false document or altering a real one to be used as if genuine.
  20. Forjudge - To expel a person, an officer or attorney, from court for some offence or misconduct.
  21. Franchise - Right to vote.
  22. Fraud - A knowtihg misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his detriment.
  23. Free - Having legal and political rights enjoying political and civil liberty.
  24. Freedom - State of being free or liberated; a political right or constitutional or legal right.
  25. Freehold - An estate of land held in fee simple; in feel tail or for term of life.
  26. Freehold - The absolute ownership of land.
  27. Frivolous - Lacking a legal basis or legal right. Frustration - Prevention or hindering the attainment of a goal, such as contractual performance.
  28. Fugitive - A person who flees or escapes. 


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