1. Earwitness - A witness who testifies about something that he heard but did not see.
  2. Easement - Right which an owner of land has over land of another person, for example, right of light, right of way, etc.
  3. Ejectment - A legal action by which a person wrongfully ejected from property seeks to recover possession and damages.
  4. Election - The process of selecting a person to occupy a position or office.
  5. Emancipation - Act by which one who was under another’s power and control is freed.
  6. Embezzlement - Offence committed when a servant wrongfully appropriates the master's property for his own use.
  7. Emblem - A flag, armorial bearing or other symbol of country.
  8. Emergency - Constitution Of India envisages three types of emergency i.e., arising from threat to security of India, failure of constitutional machinery in a State and financial emergency.
  9. Enactment - Act of Parliament.
  10. Encroach - To gain or intrude unlawfully upon another’s lands, property or authority.
  11. Encumbrance - A liability on property; for example, a mortgage.
  12. Endorsement -A writing on the back of a document and includes endorsement in negotiable instrument and also writing in evidence of payment of any amount or portion of amount due on a document.
  13. Enticement - Act or an instance of wrongfully soliciting or luring a person to do something.
  14. Entitle - Authority of legal right.
  15. Equality - The quality or state of being equal.
  16. Equity - Fair and right. Special area of English law which consists of rules and remedies which supplement the common law when this is necessary for justice in a particular case.
  17. Estate - An interest in land.
  18. Estoppel - A rule of evidence preventing a person from denying truth of statement which he had made previously, and by which he has led another to believe and to act upon.
  19. Evidence - A document, a statement either oral or written or any other thing which the Court by law is permitted to take into consideration for making clear or ascertaining the truth of the fact or point in issue.
  20. Exculpatory - Clearing or tending to clear from alleged fault or guilt.
  21. Execution - Enforcing a court’s judgment with the force of law.
  22. Executor - A representative appointed in a Will to execute after the testator’s death.
  23. Exhibit - A document or thing produced for the inspection of the Court; or shown to a witness when giving evidence or referred to in a deposition; or a document referred to in, but not annexed to; an affidavit.
  24. Exonerate - To free a person from blame or a duty imposed on him.
  25. Extinguishment - When a right or obligation ends.
  26. Extradition - A process by which an offender is transferred from one country to another.
  27. Extrajudicial - Outside court, outside the functioning of court system.
  28. Eyewitness - One who personally observes an event.


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