The extension of right to vote to every citizen - UNIVERSAL ADULT FRANCHISE

"Universal Adult Franchise or Universal Suffrage means the extension of the right to vote for every adult citizens who has reached majority, i.e., maturity without discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, creed, sex or wealth."

In the beginning the suffrage was granted to a limited fraction of the citizens in the society. These few people belong to the class of nobility, clergy, propertied, educated, etc. But, in course of time due to the impact of several revolutions and peoples movements, universal suffrage has been secured by people in various countries.

At present, those citizens who attained the age of maturity irrespective of their class, creed and religion possess and exercise franchise in choosing their representatives to various civic bodies. The minimum age limit differs from country to country. It is 18 years in the U.K., India, etc., 23 years in Norway and 25 in Denmark, Spain, Holland, etc.

Merits (or arguments in favour of Universal Adult Franchise)

(1) As democracy implies popular sovereignty, suffrage must be universal. When every individual is entitled to take part in constituting and conditioning the government, popular sovereignty becomes a reality.

(2) Universal suffrage enables individuals to develop their personality. This is possible due to the enjoyment of right to vote by all the citizens.

(3) Universal suffrage promotes political education and political consciousness amongst the voters. It makes the electorate proud of its position as the chooser of the government. It makes the voters active, responsible and patriotic.

(4) Universal suffrage serves as a necessary condition for safeguarding the rights and liberties of the people. Whenever the persons in power try to misuse power or confiscate their rights and liberties, the voters can teach a lesson by not electing them for another term.

(5) Universal suffrage is also considered as the best way of differentiating citizens from aliens.

(6) It caters to the principle of equality as it gives to all an equal access to political power.

(7) It enhances the prestige of an individual, as he starts feeling that he has utility.

(8) It creates the sense of national unity.

(9) It enables the minorities to protect their rights by electing their representatives for the national legislation. It satisfies all sections of people.

(10) It adds to social well-being and progress.

(11) It secures freedom to citizens to choose their representatives.

(12) It creates the sense of responsibility among common people to take keen interest in public affairs and in arriving at right decisions.

Disadvantages or Demerits of Universal Adult Suffrage:

(1)Universal suffrage leads to the rule of unworthy persons, who are popular, are elected.

(2)It obstructs the scientific progress of the results in the government of incapable masses.

(3)It provides scope for unethical methods such as purchase of voters by giving them money.

(4)It should not be given to all as it is not an inherent right of the citizens.

(5)As educated people could understand the value of democracy, universal teaching must
precede universal franchise and till then educated people alone should be given the right to vote. It is unwise because the emphasis is laid more on age than on wisdom.

(6)It does not contribute for the social progress. The ignorant, indifferent and indolent masses may bring havoc to the country by their vote.


After considering both arguments for and against universal suffrage, we can conclude that "universal franchise has become a sacrament of the democratic religion." Most of the arguments that are levelled against it are absurd, silly, baseless and meaningless. Equality is the slogan of the day and democracy, the fashion of the century, universal franchise should not be rejected. To argue against it is to swim against the currents of the ocean.


The author is a law student and loves sharing her knowledge with all. The intention is to enlighten people with general legal knowledge. The content of this article is taken from various sources for educational purpose.


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